Health care

Guidelines to predoctoral
dental student physical exam
and vaccination


These guidelines are for predoctoral dental students' medical examination and vaccination for infection control

Medical examination

  • Target students : 1st & 3rd year dental students
  • Check list :
    • Oral examination,
    • Check-up and medical consultation,
    • Blood GOT test,
    • Blood GPT test,
    • Gamma GTP test,
    • Blood glucose,
    • Total cholesterol,
    • HDL cholesterol,
    • Triglyceride,
    • Serum creatinine,
    • Hemoglobin,
    • Urine test,
    • Chest x-ray,
    • Hepatitis B(antigen, antibody)
  • When : Medical examination shall be done prior to beginning of the first semester.
  • Cost of the medical examination will be paid by the Yonsei University College of Dentistry(YUCD).


  • Hepatitis B :
    • Hepatitis Btest will be given to all third year students. The cost of the test will be paid by the YUCD.
  • MMR 
    • First, second and third year students, as of 2013, will be given MMR vaccination. The cost of the vaccination will be paid by the YUCD.
    • All entering students and transfer students must submit a certificate of MMR vaccination prior to the beginning of the first semester.